yoga Liz

yoga the science of self -development


10 Private Classes

  • Pikrodafnis 2, Palaio Faliro, Greece

Breathing Exercises

Breathing Exercises

When we can control our breath we control our life.

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How and why should we practice meditation?

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What is this Chakra mombo jumbo?

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The diet helps to instal a balance in the physical and emotional body.

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Beauty & Self care

A few of my favorite quality products.

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Helps to restore balance in the body & has many health benefits.

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My personal workouts

Yes, I absolutely love yoga! But it's definitely not the only exercise I do.

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Hey, I'm Lizaan,

I'd like to share just a little something about myself,

In 2016 I was teaching English in Vietnam. & joined Aum yoga studio in Vung Tau with two of my friends. We soon became regulars. Yoga definitely wasn't easy, I could barely touch my toes on a forward fold.

During my time in Vietnam I travelled extensively through Asia, whenever an opportunity presented itself I booked a flight a bus or a boat. I picked up books from airports & hostels, reading books about mindfulness, texts about yoga and Hinduism. My knowledge & love for yoga continued to grow.
On one particular adventure with my mom, we traveled with very basic bicycles from Vung Tau to Kampot (Cambodia) we cycled along the impressive Mekong Delta and fields of lotus flowers. This was one of the most special adventures I've had. My mom left for Thailand & I stayed in Siem Reep for a yoga & meditation retreat. Here another little yogi light appeared.

Where ever I traveled I always found a place or studio to practice. In result I now know the word for inhale & exhale in many languages. I now know kindness & gratitude on many faces. I also now know that yoga is for everyone, I want to break away from this stereotype of what a yogi is and what he / she should look like.

I completed my Yoga Teacher 200H Certificate in Greece 2019. Here I truly learned so much, about the yoga science, nutrition & lifestyle of a yogi! Thereafter everything kind of just started to fit together like a jigsaw. I knew exactly how and why I wanted to teach yoga.

I want to blend all of the knowledge and principles I've learned over the years and add it to my personal yoga style. I want to take this opportunity and share my passion & lifestyle with others.And to learn and grow with the people I get to teach.

I'm ready to have my next adventure..