
Patanjali wrote a great number Sanskrit text, one of his greatest works are the Yoga sutras. He is considered to be the father of Yoga. Patanjali said that the function of meditation was to "still the patterning of consciousness" 

Now that is a mouth full and took me quite some time to comprehend. According to Patanjali our mind has 5 patterns which keeps repeating, whether good or bad, it is our function to calm them, be present and conscious. 

AIM: To arrive in a moment of clear mind, no mind, to arrive and be still. 

But why should I do it? why should I be still? & why is it so hard? Like really really hard? 

When the mind is at rest we can avoid mental burn out, make calm and clear decisions. Even when we are a sleep our minds are active. Meditation helps to release stress, anxiety, helps us sleep better & lower blood pressure. Let's be honest, everyone would love some of that!

How do I meditate? We sit in Sukhasana. Legs are out in front of the body, bring the right food under the left thigh and the left foot under the right thigh. Sit tall with a straight back. Eyes are closed, the hands rest on the knees. We practice in a quiet place, with no distractions. 

Why do we sit in this position? We want to be comfortable, you should not be in pain. Use pillows or other tools to help. If you struggle with this, you may sit on a chair. As a beginner you might fall asleep & that is okay. 

Furthermore, sitting in Sukhasana with the legs crossed allows Apana prana to reverse and flow upwards. Prana (Sanskit) or chi (Chinese) is the word for energy. The prana will now flow upwards and irrigate the nervous system. We want this prana/energy to reach the upper chakra. The upper chakra is often referred to as the chakra of enlightenment. 

Wearing cotton clothes are ideal as it doesn't make any noise. You may also want to use a blanket to avoid getting cold. Another important tool to use is a timer. 

You may start with 10 min and after one week add another 5min. Set a goal for yourself. Meditation should be practiced at a specific time in the day. 

I find by focussing on the cold air entering and warm air exiting my nose helps me to concentrate on the present. Don't be to hard on yourself, just like anything else in life, practice makes perfect. 

I have aquired heaps knowledge on how to help an individual  meditat, why not book a meditation class with me? - GUIDED MEDITATION