Breathing Exercises

Learning how to breath is also learning how to live. 

Breathing exercises restores the flow of prana inside, when we combine them with asanas it helps to clean the physical body. It also helps us stay in the present moment. 

Nadi Shodhana: 

It is done in a seated position, legs are crossed Sukasana. Eyes are closed. Bring the hand and place the index and middle finger between the brows. Using the ring finger and thumb to alternate between the nostrils. Nadi Shodhana is a powerfull breathing exersice where the breath is alternating from one nostril to the other. The in & out breath is exactly the same. This exercise takes complete concentration.  We active the brain and nervous system in totality. The left & right side of the brain, the sun & the moon, masculine & famine. 

- inhale left, close right, close left, open right exhale, inhale right, close right, open left, exhale left, THIS IS ONE ROUND, do 5. 

Another favorite is...


It is done by sitting in a comfortable position, Sukasana. Eyes are closed. Inhale deeply through both nostrils, expanding the abdomen then exhale forcefully by contracting the abdominal muscles. Continue by using the abdominal muscles like a pump. Rapidly make short forceful exhalations. This exercise helps clean the toxins and negative thought. Purifies the body and the manipura chakra (stomach chakra). This is a great exercise for individuals who suffer from asthma and sinuses. 

-start counting & do the exhalation 100 times. Beginners might feel dizzy. 

Observe the fire inside the stomach, bliss :) Manipura activated.